Information for professionals

The Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service is here to provide mental health support to children and young people aged 5 to 18.

Eligibility criteria

  • Live in Staffordshire

  • Are aged 5 to 18 years

  • OR are aged up to 25 years, if they are in care or have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

  • Experience emotional health difficulties

  • Need support to improve their wellbeing

Services offered

We offer a range of support based on what the child or young person needs.

  • Direct support (one-to-one therapy, group support sessions)

  • Digital support (online therapy, information and advice)

  • Intensive support (targeted support, support for foster carers/parents)

  • Prevention and early intervention (community events, specialist training)

How to refer

If you work with a young person who meets our criteria and would benefit from a service we offer, you can make a referral.