
It is OK to feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is a natural response to events or situations that we see as threatening. Anxiety can also be helpful when you want to do well or cope in an urgent situation. For example, if you have a big test coming up, it is normal to feel worried about it. 


However, anxiety can become an issue if you worry all the time or it stops you from doing the things you used to enjoy. 


What anxiety feels like

  • You may feel nervous, worried, frightened, tense or on edge all or most of the time.

  • You may experience frequent thoughts racing through your mind. You may imagine the worst will happen and find it difficult to concentrate as a result.

  • Anxiety can also affect what you feel in your body, such as your digestive system. For example, you might get nauseous, need to go to the toilet often or cannot go at all. You may also feel light-headed, sweat more than usual or get tightness in your chest.

Self-help tips for anxiety

Learning to use self-help strategies can be the first step to managing your anxiety

You can use these tips and strategies to support yourself or someone else who is feeling anxious:

  • Talk about your worries with someone you trust.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises by breathing slowly and deeply. This will help your body to relax.

  • Think of a safe and relaxing place such as a beach or a park, or of someone who makes you feel safe.

  • Do something that will help you feel calm and safe. For example, listening to music, drawing, or completing a jigsaw.

  • Create a self-soothe box with items you can find around your home.

  • For physical reassurance, sit with someone you feel comfortable with. If appropriate, hold their hand or give them a cuddle.

  • Reassure yourself that the anxiety will pass and that you will be okay.


Get support

Anxiety UK - Call the Anxiety helpline on 03444 775 774, or text 07537 416 905  



Here are some Apps you may find helpful: 

  • Stress & Anxiety Companion - Free app that helps you cope with stress and anxiety with simple exercises to help you manage your thinking. Get it from your app store.

  • My Possible self: The mental health app - Free app for help with managing anxiety, tackling depression, easing stress and improving sleep. App uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you enjoy doing more of the things you love. Get it from your app store.

  • Thrive - This app can help you manage stress, anxiety and related conditions. Free to use with a code. Fill in in a short NHS form to get access. Get it from your app store.

  • Worry Tree - For help dealing with worry and anxiety. Subscriptions options are monthly or yearly.

  • Calm - Free app that features anxiety relief, relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, sleep stories and music.

  • Cove - Free app for iPad and iPhone to help you make music for mental health.

  • Catch it - The app will help you better understand your moods through use of an ongoing diary. It can teach you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing. Get it from your app store.

  • Headspace - Subscription app that offers techniques to reduce anxiety, and to relax, guided meditation, helps you sleep better and be mindful in everyday life.

Bubble Blower Magic

Watch this video, and try the activity to help take away your worries and fears.