Eligibility Criteria
The Service is inclusive service for all. We will work with children/young people from 5 to 18 years (up to 25 for those with an EHCP or Looked After by the Local Authority) and their families where there is mild to moderate emotional or behavioural difficulties or concerns around emotional wellbeing who are below the threshold of CAMHS but above the level of need which universal services can support. The service is available to children or young people living in Staffordshire, (please note not Stoke on Trent).
Children and young people living in Staffordshire or within 30 miles of our border in case of young people who are Looked After.
Children affected by family difficulties - where these are having an adverse effect and the child or young person is showing signs of developing a mental health problem
Emotional and behavioural difficulties (Mild to moderate)
Behaviour problems once physical causes have been considered and the behaviour falls outside what might be considered to be within the range of normal behaviour
Anxiety, depression, stress and or other mood difficulties
Relationship difficulties
Adjustment reactions (i.e. managing transition, change)
Simple phobias
Self-harm - where this is mild to moderate
Support with bereavement & loss/separation
Bullying where this is having a significant impact on emotional wellbeing (direct/indirect/cyber)
Anger management difficulties
Parental need where support in managing and understanding behaviour could be beneficial
The Staffordshire Emotional Health Well Being service will not provide direct assistance when:
CYP is not willing to engage
CYP is presenting with lower level emerging needs that could be supported by universal services
CYP is in receipt of mental health interventions from other agencies
The neuro developmental presentation of the CYP is severe and enduring and would not be supported by a short term intervention
Where a referer believes the CYP needs a neuro-developmental assessment and this is the purpose of the referral
Complexity of the presentation is not suitable for short term intervention
Parent/person with parental responsibility does not consent where the CYP is under 18
Referrals where another service would be more appropriate
CYP who present with chronic or acute eating disorders and are both psychologically and physically compromised
Substance misuse is the primary presenting problem
Self harm that is severe in nature and requires urgent medical attention or there is a risk of death by misadventure
CYP is in a current mental health crisis
CYP who presents with severe and enduring sexually harmful behaviour who require specialist interventions to support their recovery